// works in the Turbulence database:

Web project
Ursula Endlicher


html_butoh questions the way information is indexed on the Web; it enacts the "Global Top 500" websites and is choreographed by their real-time HTML structure. Small video clips show participants translating the "functionality" of each HTML tag into movement. The URLs, and therefore the "stage," changes every 3:28 minutes, running through 500 websites within a twenty-four hour cycle. html_butoh runs on the html-movement-library, an open-for-participation video clip database. In Butoh — a Japanese dance technique — the dancer "becomes" an image through her movements, which parallels to how a web browser scans through HTML and displays its content. By submitting to the html-movement-library every participant instantly becomes part of the html_butoh performance. 

with funds from the Jerome Foundation



Turbulence Directors: Helen Thorington and Jo-Anne Green
Coordinator and Turbulence-MEIAC link: Gustavo Romano

Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo