// works in the Turbulence database:

Intervals | Web based video

Intervals explores a series of characters whose investigation of self and identity unfold and elide through a sequence of cinematic interludes. At onc...
Peter Horvath

Plazaville | Non-linear video

Plazaville is a new media video art work set in 21st century New York City. It is based on the classic 1965 movie "Alphaville" by Jean Luc Godard. The...
G.H. Hovagimyan

The Hootenanny Manifestation | Interactive cinematic website

"Welcome to the Entertainment Frontier. Out here, in this bleak land without culture, life's a vapid grind until that traveling troubadour, the Hootenanny Man, hi...
Lord Knows Compost


Turbulence Directors: Helen Thorington and Jo-Anne Green
Coordinator and Turbulence-MEIAC link: Gustavo Romano

Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo