// works in the Turbulence database:

Word Market
Belén Gache


Word Market (WM) is an Internet portal dedicated to buying and selling words, using a unique currency, the ‘Wollar’. In times of increasing privatization of public spaces and the profusion of copyright laws, WM allows you to own, trade and profit from words as their value fluctuates. WM offers you attractive discounts and promotions. Don't hold back! Increase your linguistic wealth. Become the owner of your words! And most importantly, prevent others from using them! [Sign in for a free account]

with funds from the National Endowment for the Arts



Turbulence Directors: Helen Thorington and Jo-Anne Green
Coordinator and Turbulence-MEIAC link: Gustavo Romano

Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo